Music is magical. An up-tempo number can lift your spirits when you're feeling blue while a languid ballad can put a gloomy cloud over your head. The music we listen to gives us a way to relate to one another, feel less alone in difficult times, and even to understand ourselves.
As the world cries out for change, we all turn to the great artists to put a rhythm to the words we can't seem to wrangle. For decades, musical artists have been using their talents to call attention to LGBT rights issues – and it may surprise you that many well-known hits are actually anthems for the "Love Is Love" movement.

Check out these toe-tapping, heart-pounding, inspiring LGBT anthems. Then turn up the tunes and celebrate equality with us!
"I’m Coming Out" by Diana Ross
Thanks to the mastery of miss Diana Ross, people across the generations know this feel-good tune. In fact, we defy you to listen to this track without feeling inspired to shout it from the rooftops!
Diana Ross is an icon in both music and fashion. Her big hair, beautiful voice, and bodacious personality inspire listeners to embrace their true identities. Known also for her gleaming gowns which captivated our eyes, this musical legend has captured the hearts of millions.
I'm Coming Out is an anthem for the LGBT rights movement that represents the ultimate rebel cry. It's a song to defy society's definition of normal and encourages us step out from the shadows into the warm embrace of confidence and pride.
The time has come for me
To break out of the shell
I have to shout
That I'm coming out!
Whether you're an LGBT individual just coming to realize your true identity or you're an ally supporting LGBT rights, blast Diana's anthem and celebrate what 'coming out' means to you!
"To Be Human" by Sia & Labrinth, Wonder Woman Soundtrack
A true melodious gem, this song belongs on every Pride playlist. With a beautiful balance of empowering and empathetic lyrics, this duet highlights the only thing that matters: love is what defines us as human beings.
Vocal artist Sia is well known as an LGBT rights advocate. Not only does she embrace her LGBT supporters and the community in her uplifting lyrics, but also she frequently donates a portion of her profits to LGBT charities.
To Be Human is just one more way Sia is spreading love, positivity, and acceptance.
To be human is to love
Even when it gets too much
I'm not ready to give up.
Featured in a movie about the epitome of female pride – Wonder Woman – this LGBT anthem reminds us that as humans, we all deserve love and that loving whomever your heart desires is worth the fight. Thankfully, we have amazing advocates like Sia standing up publicly in the fight for LGBT rights.
"Same Love" by Macklemore feat. Mary Lambert
Macklemore's Same Love hit the public at a time when we all needed an uplifting jolt. Following the Boston Marathon bombings, the death of Nelson Mandela, and numerous global crises, Same Love tugged at the heartstrings of Americans from all walks of life and gave us all a reminder that no matter what the world throws our way, we can get through it with love – love of any kind.
Macklemore's hit song tells a moving story about LGBT rights, stereotypes, and the unrelenting desire to love and be loved. The artist dedicated one of the most popular songs of his career to LGBT rights, proving the Macklemore is, in no uncertain terms, a true ally.
No law's gonna change us
We have to change us.
Whatever God you believe in
We come from the same one
Strip away the fear
Underneath it's all the same love
While clearly showing support for LGBT rights and relationships, Macklemore's verse also inspires listeners to answer the call of duty to spread love and advocate for those who have been denied the most important freedoms.

Beyond laws and policies, each of us has a responsibility to embrace equality. Your love, our love, it's all the Same Love.
'Giant' by Calvin Harris
Calvin Harris has given us countless ballads, but Giant is one of our favorites and is a clear LGBT rights anthem. Harris's lyrics remind us that we're each the rulers of our own lives and that together we are powerful.
Calvin Harris isn't new to the LGBT scene. After a collaboration with Sam Smith on the song Promises, they duo dedicated their music video to the voguing, ball culture, and LGBT community.
Don't hide your emotions
You can throw down your guard
And free from the notion
We can be who we are
You taught me something, yeah
Freedom is ours
It was you who taught me living is
Togetherness, togetherness, togetherness
Collaborations like these illustrate how powerful our voices can be when we join them together for the sake of equal rights for all.
"This Is Me" by Keala Settle, The Greatest Showman Soundtrack
This Is Me is an unapologetic declaration of pride that belongs on every LGBT playlist. Inspired by the imagination and diversity of P. T. Barnum, The Greatest Showman is the story of circus performers struggling to understand the "freak" label the public has given them.
This Is Me is the movie's heartbeat and epitomizes self-love and accepting yourself when others keep trying to knock you down.
Look out 'cause here I come
And I'm marching on to the beat I drum
I'm not scared to be seen
I make no apologies, this is me
The battle for LGBT rights has been waging for decades – and yet, we're not going anywhere. This Is Me, created by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul, is a testament to the courage and determination required to embrace your true identity and come out with pride.
The Soundtrack for LGBT Rights
The fight for LGBT rights takes fortitude, determination, and togetherness.
These LGBT anthems have inspired millions and unite us with each note. But this list is by no means complete.
What's your favorite LGBT anthem? Let us know in the comments below or tag us on Facebook and Instagram @EqualityVodka.